Infinite Craft Archives - Touch, Tap, Play The original, #1 destination for the best mobile game tips, guides, cheats and news Wed, 28 Feb 2024 09:58:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Infinite Craft Archives - Touch, Tap, Play 32 32 210961687 How to Get Minecraft in Infinite Craft Wed, 28 Feb 2024 09:58:10 +0000 Among the infinite crafts you can craft in Infinite Craft, there’s also Minecraft. Did I say “craft” enough? Probably. So, let’s get to the point. In this article, I’ll show you how to get Minecraft in Infinite Craft.

We have covered Minecraft extensively on our site, but I am assuming you’re not here for the original sandbox game. Rather, you’re here to learn how to craft that game in Infinite Craft, since it’s pretty neat. Oh, and I’ve also made a guide on how to get Hololive Minecraft Server too, so you can read that as well.

This is How to Get Minecraft in Infinite Craft Fast

All in all, it’s extremely easy to get Minecraft. It only takes seven steps in total, and in all honesty, it’s totally worth it. You will need Minecraft for several recipes actually, especially if you want to make something big. I’ll share more details below.

  • Earth + Wind = Dust
  • Dust + Dust = Sand
  • Fire + Water = Steam
  • Steam + Fire = Engine
  • Engine + Sand = Sandbox
  • Earth + Dust = Planet
  • Planet + Sandbox = Minecraft
Screenshot via Touch, Tap, Play

Why You Should Make Minecraft

As I said, this craft is a stepping stone in a few recipes, especially one of my favorites: crafting an actual Infinite Craft in Infinite Craft. Mind-blowing, right? For that, I have dedicated an entire article, so if you’re also aiming to get it, I strongly recommend getting Minecraft first.

Of course, you can make other stuff too, such as Cat, Dog, and why not, Kanye West. So make sure to check the complete collection of Infinite Craft articles I’ve created and let your creativity guide you.

If you have more ideas for interesting or unique crafts you’d like to see, leave a comment down below and I will do my best to deliver a new guide for you. Or simply check the recipes list that we’ve created for some inspiration!

How to Get Roblox in Infinite Craft Wed, 28 Feb 2024 09:30:56 +0000 Roblox is a platform that encompasses many, MANY games. You can have thousands of games created by thousands of people, and in a way, that’s where Infinite Craft is similar to it. In light of that, today I’d like to show you how to get Roblox in Infinite Craft.

In this article, I am going to show all the steps on how to get Roblox in Infinite Craft, because once you start, it’s going to lead down a lot of different paths! You can make Robux and many other interesting crafts with Roblox, so let’s dive right in!

This is How to Make Roblox in Infinite Craft

Below you have the complete step-by-step guide on how to get Roblox in the game. If you have other ways of getting this craft, I’d learn to know about them.

  • Water + Fire = Steam
  • Steam + Fire = Engine
  • Engine + Steam = Train
  • Earth + Wind = Dust
  • Dust + Earth = Planet
  • Planet + Fire = Sun
  • Sun + Fire = Solar
  • Planet + Solar = System
  • System + Fire = Computer
  • Computer + System = Software
  • Software + Train = Program
  • Program + Fortnite = Roblox
Screenshot via Touch, Tap, Play

How to Get Robux

To make Robux, all you need to do is combine Roblox and Lightning. If you don’t know how to make Lightning, I have written down the steps to get that as well.

  • Wind + Fire = Smoke
  • Water + Fire = Steam
  • Steam + Water = Cloud
  • Cloud + Wind = Storm
  • Storm + Smoke = Thunder
  • Thunder + Fire = Lightning
  • Water + Water = Lake
  • Earth + Lake = Swamp
  • Roblox + Lightning = Robux

This is it! Now you know how to make Roblox in Infinite Craft. If you have ideas for other interesting topics I should cover, I’d like to know.

Have you already read the other Infinite Craft articles we have created? If not, head over there and take a look because we’ve got some pretty interesting ones, like Hatsune Miku and even Hololive Minecraft Server.

How to Get Monopoly in Infinite Craft Wed, 28 Feb 2024 08:56:00 +0000 If you love board games and want to complete your collection, or even just to craft it for the sake of crafting, I’ve made this guide specifically to show you how to get Monopoly in Infinite Craft.

By all means, Monopoly has been around for a while – and it’s one of the most popular board games in the world for all the right reasons. While I cannot tell you not to go ahead and buy Boardwalk or Park Place, I can tell you that you should get Monopoly in Infinite Craft.

In this game, Monopoly is not just a board game. It can also be used to show a monopoly over certain areas. So, let’s dive right in then, shall we?

Get a Business

The first step to getting Monopoly is getting Business. Here’s the fastest way to do that (and somehow it does include Marijuana):

  • Earth + Water = Plant
  • Plant + Plant = Tree
  • Wind + Plant = Dandelion
  • Dandelion + Plant = Weed
  • Dandelion + Tree = Wish
  • Wish + Tree = Money
  • Dandelion + Weed = Marijuana
  • Marijuana + Money = Business

How to Make a Game in Infinite Craft

There are a few ways to create Game in Infinite Craft, but this is the one that I find the fastest:

  • Wind + Earth = Dust
  • Dust + Earth = Planet
  • Planet + Fire = Sun
  • Sun + Fire = Solar
  • Solar + Planet = System
  • Fire + System = Computer
  • Computer + System = Software
  • Software + Earth = Game
Screenshot via Touch, Tap, Play

This is How to Get Monopoly in Infinite Craft

By combining the two previous crafts you can easily make Monopoly in Infinite Craft!

  • Business + Game = Monopoly

Did you enjoy reading this? Then you might also enjoy reading about how to get Fortnite, League of Legends, Pokemon, or even Google! I’ve done my best to share as many possible recipes as I could. Also, if you are looking for a specific recipe, feel free to leave a comment below and I’ll make an article for you!

How to Get Every Color in Infinite Craft Mon, 26 Feb 2024 15:48:41 +0000 Colors can be something fun, even life-defining. In this game, they can be used to get specific animals, fruits, vegetables, you name it. So, let’s try to get all the colors in Infinite Craft. It’s good to complete your collection of items!

I have already made articles on how to make numbers and how to get the alphabet in Infinite Craft, so I figured why not make an article where I also share how to get all the colors in Infinite Craft. So, let’s dive right in!

How to Make Color in Infinite Craft

First, you want to make the word Color. After we have the actual word ‘Color’, we can then move on to creating the individual colors. Here’s how you do it:

  • Earth + Water = Plant
  • Plant + Plant = Tree
  • Earth + Wind = Dust
  • Fire + Dust = Ash
  • Tree + Ash = Pencil
  • Ash + Pencil = Crayon
  • Crayon + Water = Color
  • Color + Water = Paint
Screenshot via Touch, Tap, Play

How to Get Every Color in Infinite Craft

At the moment, there are several colors in Infinite Craft. I will try to give you the recipes for each one, so you can try to get them yourself. Bear in mind that I’ve also added some of the words that could pass as color too, such as Gold, Lavender and Lime.

I have also made Change in the article where I shared the Numbers, so make sure you grab it from there. You’ll need it!


  • Color + Avalanche = White


  • Vampire + Color = Black


  • Flamingo + Color = Pink


  • Blood + Color = Red



  • Change + Grey = Silver


  • Color + Alien = Green


  • Green + Pink = Yellow


  • Color + Carrot = Orange


  • Green + Yellow = Lime


  • Black + Green = Olive


  • Pink + Black = Purple


  • White + Pink = Peach


  • Black + White = Grey


  • Purple + White = Lavender


  • Grey + Peach = Beige


  • Colt + Color = Indigo


  • Cold + Color = Blue


  • Change + Beige = Brown


  • Green + Lime = Mint


  • Peach + Pink = Blush


  • Violet + Pink = Magenta


  • Purple + Purple = Violet


  • Peach + Purple = Plum

These are all the colors that I’ve managed to find so far. Did you get them all yet? Let me know in the comments below, and take a look at the other Infinite Craft articles I’ve made!

How to Get Letter & the Alphabet in Infinite Craft Mon, 26 Feb 2024 13:07:30 +0000 I wanted to embark on a quest to get the entire alphabet and letters in Infinite Craft, so I thought why not share it with you? Ever since I discovered (by mistake) X, the letter, I had this on the back of my mind. But today, we’re here to get the alphabet!

Since this is about to be a fairly long article, you better buckle up, because it’s a doozy. Let’s dive right in, shall we?

How to Make Letter in Infinite Craft

  • Earth + Wind = Dust
  • Dust + Earth = Planet
  • Planet + Fire = Sun
  • Sun + Wind = Sunflower
  • Wind + Fire = Smoke
  • Sunflower + Smoke = Smoke Signal
  • Smoke Signal + Wind = Message
  • Message + Message = Letter

Make Change in Infinite Craft

If you want to get the alphabet in Infinite Craft, you need to have Change to change the letters with ease. Don’t worry if you don’t have it, here’s how to get it!

  • Water + Water = Lake
  • Continent + Lake = America
  • America + Island = Hawaii
  • Hawaii + America = Obama
  • Obama + America = Change

How to Make the Alphabet in Infinite Craft

This is how to get the complete alphabet in Infinite Craft.


  • Letter + Sunflower = A


  • Change + A = B


  • Change + B = C


  • Change + C = D


  • C + D = E


  • D + E = F


  • A + F = G


  • A + G = H


  • Water + Dust = Mud
  • Fire + Dust = Ash
  • Ash + Mud = Clay
  • Water + Earth = Plant
  • Plant + Dust = Pollen
  • Pollen + Ash = Cough
  • Cough + Mud = Mucus
  • Mucus + Water = Snot
  • Mud + Fire = Brick
  • Brick + Wind = House
  • House + Fire = Fireplace
  • Fireplace + Fire = Warmth
  • Warmth + Wind = Hot Air
  • Hot Air + Mud = Politician
  • Politician + Snot = Not
  • Not + Ash = Is
  • Is + Human = I


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  • Water + Dust = Mud
  • Fire + Dust = Ash
  • Ash + Mud = Clay
  • Clay + Mud = Pottery
  • Pottery + Pottery = Vase
  • Vase + Vase = Pot
  • Fire + Fire = Volcano
  • Earth + Water = Plant
  • Wind + Plant = Dandelion
  • Dandelion + Volcano = Fireworks
  • Fireworks + Pot = Potassium
  • Potassium + A = K


  • J + I = L


  • 10 + 3 = 13
  • A + 13 = M


  • L + M = N


  • Water + Dandelion = Wine
  • Water + Wine = Holy Water
  • Holy Water + Fire = Vampire
  • Dandelion + Plant = Weed
  • Weed + Vampire = Count
  • Count + Count = Number
  • Number + Count = Counting
  • Counting + Number = Math
  • Math + Water = Pi
  • Plant + Plant = Tree
  • Tree + Math = Geometry
  • Geometry + Pi = Circle
  • Circle + A = O


  • 13 + 3 = 16
  • A + 16 = P


  • P + O = Q


  • P + P = PP
  • PP + Q = R


  • F + E = S


  • Earth + Dandelion = Flower
  • Steam + Fire = Engine
  • Engine + Flower = Car
  • Car + Flower = Carnation
  • Water + Warmth = Hot Water
  • Hot Watter + Plant = Tea
  • Carnation + Tea = T


  • Q + T = U


  • A + 22 = V


  • U + V = W


  • 10 + Fire = 11
  • 11 + Fire = 12
  • 12 + 10 = 22
  • 22 + Fire = 23
  • A + 23 = X


  • X + Wind = Y


  • 23 + Fire = 24
  • 24 + Fire = 25
  • 25 + Fire = 26
  • 26 + A = Z

That’s it! Now you have made the entire alphabet in Infinite Craft! It wasn’t easy, but it was most certainly fun. Don’t forget to read the other Infinite Craft articles we’ve got!

How to Get Fortnite in Infinite Craft Mon, 26 Feb 2024 11:44:37 +0000 To get Fortnite in Infinite Craft, players need to make the two main elements that comprise this game. And as you might’ve guessed it, these elements are the two most important ones. Let’s see which they are and how to get Fortnite!

We have covered Fortnite quite a bit on our site, and I figured it would be perfect if we tried to make it in Infinite Craft too. After all, we already have League of Legends and Hololive Minecraft Server. Why not get as many games as we can? So, that’s how this guide was born.

I’ve managed to make Fortnite by combining Internet with Castle, which is essentially part of the game’s mechanic. Y

First Step: Make Internet

  • Water + Fire = Steam 
  • Fire + Steam = Engine 
  • Engine + Engine = Rocket 
  • Rocket + Rocket = Satellite 
  • Engine + Steam = Train 
  • Rocket + Train = Bullet Train (we’ve already made it when we made Gun)
  • Bullet Train + Satellite = Internet 

Second Step: Make Castle

To make a Castle, this is the fastest way:

  • Water + Fire = Steam
  • Steam + Steam = Cloud
  • Wind + Earth = Dust
  • Dust + Water = Mud
  • Fire + Mud = Brick
  • Brick + Cloud = Castle
Screenshot via Touch, Tap, Play

Final Step: This Is How to Make Fortnite in Infinite Craft

To get Fortnite, simply combine the two crafts:

  • Internet + Castle = Fortnite

What to Do With Fortnite

Just like with League of Legends, there are a lot of crafts you can make. Try them all out yourself and get some first discoveries!

  • Fortnite + Cyber Kingdom = Cyber Fortnite
  • Fortnite + Zombie King = Zombie Fortnite
  • Fortnite + Plant = Peely
  • Fortnite + Nessie = Cattus
  • Fortnite + Rainbow = Rainbow Smash
  • Rainbow Smash + Cattus = Rainbow Cattus (First Discovery)
  • Fortnite + Monkey King = Sun Wukong

This sums up how to get Fortnite in Infinite Craft. If you want more articles like this one, read the collection of Infinite Craft articles I’ve prepared for you! You might just find something that spikes your interest.

How to Get Peter Griffin & Family Guy in Infinite Craft Mon, 26 Feb 2024 10:27:25 +0000 No matter if you like his jokes, personality, or whatnot, or you simply want to craft one of the best shows ever, this article will help you. I’ve made this step-by-step guide on how to get Peter Griffin and Family Guy in Infinite Craft, just for you!

You may know by now that Infinite Craft gives you complete freedom to craft. You can make virtually anything you can imagine, and that doesn’t stop at celebrities, countries, or TV shows. So, today I want to show you a fast way to get Family Guy and some of the beloved personalities from it.

This is How to Make Quagmire

  • Water + Water = Lake
  • Earth + Lake = Swamp
  • Earth + Swamp = Mud
  • Swamp + Mud = Quagmire

How to Make Baconator in Infinite Craft

The Baconator is the famous Wendy’s burger that I assume every meat lover would love to dig into. It’s not that hard to get, so let’s make it!

  • Water +  Fire = Steam
  • Steam + Steam = Cloud
  • Cloud + Steam = Rain
  • Rain + Rain = Rainbow
  • Rainbow + Mud = Pig
  • Fire + Fire = Volcano
  • Pig + Volcano = Bacon
  • Bacon + Volcano = Baconator

How to Get Peter Griffin in Infinite Craft

Peter Griffin is the result of the previously created crafts, a.k.a. Quagmire and Baconator.

  • Quagmire + Baconator = Peter Griffin
Screenshot via Touch, Tap, Play

How to Get Family Guy in Infinite Craft

Now in order to make Family Guy, all you need to do is combine Peter Griffin with Quagmire.

  • Peter Griffin + Quagmire = Family Guy
  • Family Guy + Forest = Family Tree
  • Peter Griffin + Unicorn = Grifficorn
  • Peter Griffin + Baconator = Peter Baconator
  • Peter Baconator + Grifficorn = Grifficorn Baconator

This is how you can get Peter Griffin and Family Guy in Infinite Craft! If there’s anything else you would like to learn how to make, feel free to leave a comment and I’ll make a guide for you. In the meantime, you can read the other Infinite Craft articles I’ve created.

How to Get Gun in Infinite Craft Mon, 26 Feb 2024 09:57:06 +0000 There may be a million reasons why you want to get a Gun in Infinite Craft, and no matter what it is, I am here to help you. This is a complete guide on how to get a Gun, so let’s dive right in!

Getting a Gun is pretty simple, especially when compared to other crazier crafts, such as Dog or Cat, or even Kanye West. You can use the Gun to make a bunch of interesting stuff, and if you want to combine it with countries or continents, it can result in some pretty big names.

So, I strongly suggest you go ahead and craft one – you never know when you’ll need a Gun in Infinite Craft! Maybe you’ll want to make Mission Impossible, so I’ve shared the combination below!

How to Make Gun in Infinite Craft

  • Water + Fire = Steam
  • Steam + Fire = Engine
  • Engine + Steam = Train
  • Engine + Engine = Rocket
  • Train + Rocket = Bullet Train
  • Bullet Train + Fire = Bullet
  • Bullet + Bullet = Gun
Screenshot via Touch, Tap, Play

What to Make with Gun in Infinite Craft

After you make a Gun, you can then combine it with other elements to create all sorts of weaponry. For example, I’ve made the following:

  • Gun + Gun = Cannon
  • Cannon + Gun = Machine Gun
  • Machine Gun + Cannon = Tank
  • Fire + Machine Gun = Flamethrower
  • Machine Gun + Water = Hydroelectric Dam
  • Machine Gun + Ice = Ice Gun

Of course, you can go one step further and combine it with names and see what comes out!

  • Gun + Penelope = Pen
  • Flamethrower + Penelope Cruz = Hot
  • Gun + Tom Cruise = Mission Impossible
  • Machine Gun + Tom Cruise = Top Gun
  • Machine Gun + Aloha = Hawaii Five-O
  • Spock + Gun = Phaser

Let me know what interesting crafts you’re making because I will keep sharing the unique and interesting crafts I’m working on. You can find them all in one place, in the Infinite Craft collection where I’ve got articles for many unique combinations!

How to Get League of Legends in Infinite Craft Mon, 26 Feb 2024 07:39:35 +0000 If you’re a gamer, chances are you know what LoL is. It’s only one of the most popular MOBA games out there (if not the most popular), and today my goal is to show you how to get League of Legends in Infinite Craft.

I am going to get straight to the point, because I also want to show you how to make all the champions in League of Legends, or at least most of them! Let’s dive in then, shall we?

Make Riot and Korea for League of Legends

  • Fire + Wind = Steam
  • Steam + Fire = Engine
  • Engine + Plant = Car
  • Engine + Car = Racecar
  • Earth + Racecar= Rally
  • Rally + Fire = Riot
  • Love + Hate = War
  • Asia + War = Korea

This is How to Get League of Legends in Infinite Craft

  • Riot + Korea = League of Legends
Screenshot via Touch, Tap, Play

How to Make League of Legends Champions

This is how you make the League of Legends champions in Infinite Craft.

  • League of Legends + Homophobia = LOL
  • League of Legends + Fire = Pyro
  • League of Legends + Pyro = Pyke
  • League of Legends + Sexy Phantom = Ahri
  • League of Legends + Sephiroth = Zed
  • League of Legends + Jungle = Jinx
  • League of Legends + Lake = Nami
  • League of Legends + Fog = Fog of War
  • League of Legends + Earth = Yorick
  • League of Legends + Plant = Poppy
  • League of Legends + Tree = Teemo
  • League of Legends + Korea = KDA
  • League of Legends + Nessie = Nautilus
  • League of Legends + Unicorn = Sona
  • League of Legends + Treant = Maokai
  • League of Legends + Cryptid = Riven
  • League of Legends + Marsh = Yasuo
  • League of Legends + Wind = Faker
  • League of Legends + Monkey King = Wukong
  • League of Legends + Frankenstein = Fiddlesticks
  • League of Legends + Hippocampus = Sejuani
  • League of Legends + Princess = Leona
  • League of Legends + Rocket = Blitzcrank
  • League of Legends + Alien = Ziggs
  • League of Legends + Golem = Shen
  • League of Legends + Pirate = Gangplank
  • League of Legends + Captain Planet = Zyra
  • League of Legends + Pirate Karma = Karma
  • League of Legends + Pirate Ship = Bilgewater
  • League of Legends + Bilgewater = Pirates
  • League of Legends + Pirates = Pirate Karma
  • League of Legends + Alps = Alistar
  • League of Legends + Hatsune Miku = Kai’Sa
  • League of Legends + Kakarot = Kog’Maw
  • League of Legends + Akira = Akali
  • League of Legends + Kakashi Hatake = Kassadin
  • League of Legends + Dragon = Aurelion Sol

Which other champions have you discovered? I’ll add more whenever I find them, or feel free to share your discoveries with me and the other readers by leaving a comment below!

How to Get Numbers in Infinite Craft Sun, 25 Feb 2024 20:40:18 +0000 We all know that numbers carry on to infinity – so, what’s to stop Infinite Craft from having some? That’s right, this article is about how to get numbers in Infinite Craft! I’ll try my best to beat the “infinite” part of it…

In this article I have compiled the numbers from 1 to 10, because honestly every single number you can imagine can be derived from them. You can also make interesting combinations with numbers and items, such as Heart + 3 = 3heart, but we’re not going to dive into that today.

I’ll leave it up to you to discover all that, and hopefully make some mathematically interesting First Discoveries! I have, and while most of them are pretty boring (so I will not go into too much detail), it’s petty satisfying.

How to Get Numbers in Infinite Craft (From 1 to 10)

As you probably noticed, it’s not that easy getting numbers. The way I got them is from 9/11. I’d suggest you go read that article and craft 9/11 yourself because it’s not too difficult and sadly I don’t know other (faster) options at the moment.

This is How You Get 1

  • 9/11 + 9/11 = 9/22
  • 9/22 + 9/22 = 18/44
  • 18/44 + Fire = 22
  • 22 + 9/22 = 1
Screenshot via Touch, Tap, Play

Numbers 2 Through 10

To get the numbers 2 through 10, you simply have to do some math.

  • 1+1 = 2
  • 2+1 = 3
  • 2+2 = 4
  • 2+3 = 5
  • 4+2 = 6
  • 4+3 = 7
  • 4+4 = 8
  • 1+8 = 9
  • 9+1 = 10

What to Do With Numbers in Infinite Craft

As I mentioned before, you can combine a number with a number to result in another number or some witty mathematical equation, but you can also combine a number with a word to get something more interesting.

For more Infinite Craft recipes, check our collection of Infinite Craft articles because we’ve shared some interesting ones, such as how to get Kanye West and Sex!
